List of all pages for the topic 'Julian calendar'

Julian calendar

In order to avoid further confusion in the Roman calendar, Gaius Julius Caesar reformed the Roman calendar in 46 BC.

The Roman Dating System

The Romans counted the days of each month in a somewhat confusing manner.

The Martyrology

The martyrology was originally designed as a calendar that listed all of the recognized saints in Roman Catholicism.

Dies caniculares

The ancient Greeks and Romans noticed the temperature was at its peak during the months of July and August, and coincidentally, this period of time also saw the beginning of the heliacal rising of Sirius.

Dies egyptiaci

The Dies egyptiaci, egyptiacus, aeger, mali. It was considered a sign of the “unfortunate days”, when it wasn’t appropriate to work, trade, or travel.

Calculation of Easter Sunday in the Julian calendar

Detailed description of the calculation of Easter Sunday in the Julian calendar.

Calculation of Orthodox Easter Sunday in the Julian calendar

Detailed description of the calculation of Orthodox Easter Sunday in the Julian calendar.

The difference between Easter Sunday in the Julian and Gregorian calendars

The distribution graph below shows the difference between Easter Sunday in the Julian and Gregorian calendars by the amount of weeks.